Thursday, October 27, 2011

I don't understand

Fort Bragg soldier found shot to death in Fayetteville


                Fayetteville police are investigating the shooting death of a Fort Bragg soldier. Officials say 28-year-old Sgt. Wesley Durden was found shot off Reilly Road Tuesday. The Jacksonville native was a cook with headquarters support company and a member of the 82nd Airborne Division. No other details about the death were released.
                I don’t understand this one at all. Of course, at this time, one can only assume what might have happened to this young man that was fighting in a war for us. That is why I don’t understand it. This young man didn’t die defending our country, like he might have thought, he died in our country.  A soldier doesn’t expect, in these days, to get hurt or to die here. What was someone thinking when they shot him?
            For whatever reason, that someone shot him, I hope he didn’t feel a thing. I hate it that he had to die. Our soldiers are in this unwanted war to keep the terrorist from coming over here and bombing us. They are defending our freedom and someone had to gun him down. He was on our side. I hope the police find who did this and bring them to justice. I hope his parents are doing okay but I know they are suffering. Time is the only thing that heals those wounds. You never get over losing someone that you love but you learn to live with it.


Iron Man

Perdue announces Iron Man 3 to be filmed in Wilmington

             Governor Bev Perdue, along with EUE/Screen Gems Co-owner and COO Chris Cooney announced Thursday that the Marvel Studios production of “Iron Man 3” will shoot at EUE/Screen Gems in Wilmington for the majority of the production. The film is scheduled to be released in 2013.

            Cool! I like it when there’s a famous movie that’s going to get filmed right here in my home state North Carolina. I would like to go down there and see if I could lay my eyes on Robert Downy Jr. He is sexy and fine as hell. I love to watch him act. He is a good actor and I like the sense of humor he has in his movies as well as his seriousness.
            I would like to see some of the making of this movie Iron Man too. I like the first two that has aired. I love the electronics and different gadgets that are presented in this movie. Each film keeps showing bigger and better ones. I like Iron Man’s suit and his cars. I think the character in the movie that Robert Downy Jr. plays is too rich. He has so much money that he has to come up with ways to spend it.
            I wonder why some people with so much money that they don’t know what to do with it spend it on stupid stuff. I’m sure not all the rich people do this. Why not donate it to charity and not one that’s not benefiting the helpless people. I know not everyone that asks for help needs it but they could do something more meaningful with their money besides throw it away. In the movie Iron Man though he is helping people. He’s saving them for evil.


Loan Payments Get Better!

Obama lays out plans to ease student loan debt

            President Obama addressed an issue about something that is now bigger than credit card debt. President Obama said graduates racked up an average $24,000 in debt in 2010. The President's plan will push forward the start date for Pay As You Earn, which caps college loan repayment amounts based on a person's income. "Over the past three decades, the cost of college has nearly tripled. And that is forcing you, forcing students, to take out more loans and rack up more debt," said the President.
            Well, that sounds like a plan to me. I know when I am finished with my education I’ll have plenty of debt. I don’t like it but these days what am I supposed to do. I’ve looked for a job for three years now and I can’t find one, not even at McDonald’s. It’s hard to get a job without an education.
            My plan for my education keeps growing. When I first came to college I only wanted an Associate Degree. But then later I changed my mind for a BSN, bachelors in nursing. Today I am tossing up the idea for a Master’s Degree. I’m really considering it because of the way the nursing field is filling up. I feel like there are too many nurses in the loop trying to get a job and I don’t want there too many in the loop when it’s my turn to receive a nursing job. I love college and I’m making great grades, so why not?

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Lexington prepares for weekend of good food with barbecue festival

             The city is getting set for its 28th annual Barbecue Festival. This puts Lexington, North Carolina on the map and more than a year of preparing is going into this year’s festival. Saturday, the event will play host to six stages of entertainment, hundreds of craft vendors and family-friendly shows. Yet of course the main attraction will be the savory taste of the local barbecue. There will be over 100,000 people on Main Street in Lexington on October 22, 2011.
            Here we go again another year of the BBQ Festival and all those people here. I almost dread this day anymore. There are way too many people on Main Street. There isn’t enough room to walk anymore. I use to take my dog up there and walk them around but if I did it now, I’d lose my dog in the crowd.  The crowd is so large that someone stepped on my foot the last time I went there. That’s pretty bad when we are all outside and there isn’t enough room in the area that someone had to step on me. It’s ridiculous now and blown out of proportion.
            I use to love to look and buy the hand-made crafts that the local people made each year. I also use to go and stay all day too. But now I can’t get to every table to look at anything and if I stay all day I wouldn’t get to every table because of all the people there. The BBQ lines are long and you stand there for at least thirty minutes to get a sandwich. I just don’t eat BBQ there anymore because I can get it every day if I want it. So I just don’t bother even going up there anymore. It’s not worth the effect.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Piece of Trash

Defense lawyer will not help Edwards at trial

                 A key member of the legal team defending John Edwards will not represent the former presidential candidate at his upcoming campaign finance trial following questions about a potential conflict of interest. Wade Smith is to withdraw from the team because prosecutors questioned whether Smith had a conflict of interest due to a 2009 conversation with a financial advisor for Bunny Mellon, a wealthy socialite who provided the bulk of nearly $1 million used to support Edwards' pregnant mistress as he ran for president in 2007. According to the government, Smith told Mellon's advisor Edwards knew the money was intended to help him. That appears to conflict with statements by Edwards that he knew nothing of the payments
                Really!! John Edwards is a piece of trash in my book. Here he is a few years ago running for president, and cheating on his wife who is a victim of cancer. He apparently had people giving him money and they were taking care of his mistress. I may not all the whole story but I know enough to know that he deserves what he gets.
                I couldn’t imagine my husband cheating on me little alone taking care of her and then she gets pregnant in the process. I’d take everything he has and then some. I’d even take the other woman to court and it I couldn’t sue her, I’d make her wish she never met my husband.  But John Edwards’s real wife didn’t have the chance to do this. She was sick and she didn’t live long enough. He should really be ashamed of himself.
 It’s too bad that the other woman didn’t wait until John Edwards wife passed on. What was this woman thinking anyway? She shouldn’t have ever gotten involved with a married man to start with. She also should be ashamed of herself too. I would love to know what she says the reasoning behind this selfish act. It’s not like she didn’t know he was married. John Edwards was in the US Senate and he was well known. They both deserve what they get from Karma and I don’t think it could happen soon enough.

It's Still There

Herman Cain offended by 'bad apple,' 'crack pipe' comments

                Herman Cain, republican presidential candidate and retired pizza chain executive, voices his debate over racism. Cain tells fox 8 news that he was offended by “comments” made from Harry Belafonte and Cornel West regarding his declaration that people use racism as an excuse.
                “Because he happened to have had good fortune hit him, and happened to have had a moment when he broke through – the moment someone blinked – does not make him the authority on the plight of people of color,” Belafonte said in an interview with Joy Behar that will be aired in full Friday on HLN.
“Herman Cain is just the latest incarnation of what is totally false to the needs of our community and the needs of our nation,” Belafonte said. “I think he’s a bad apple, and people should look at his whole card. He’s not what he says he is.” West said Cain, “needs to get off the symbolic crack pipe and acknowledge that the evidence [of racism] is overwhelming.”
Here’s the gust of all this BS: racism stays alive because “we,” as a whole, keep it alive by continuing to discuss these kinds of topics. That’s my own opinion of course but I am so tired of hearing about racism. Just because this guy Cain said, “I don’t have a lot of patience for people who want to blame racism on the fact that some people don’t make it in America,” noting that he “was able to climb the corporate ladder” at Pillsbury and Burger King.” I agree with him! Black, white, yellow, or whatever color you are doesn’t have a thing to do with how your life ends up. I believe that you have total control over your own life. Some people even blame gender for them not going anywhere in life.
I believe also that you can do whatever it is that you want to do if you have a passion for it. This guy Cain goes on to say, “If you put your mind to it and you don’t play the victim card, you can do whatever you want to do in this country, I am walking proof of that.” I like the way he thinks and I am in total agreement with him. So many people play the victim card that it makes me sick. People will get fat and go on disability. They can‘t work anymore because they got so fat that their body refused to keep hauling their weight around on its joints that weren’t made for that kind of pounds. In reality yes, they really can’t work but they did this to themselves. It’s good that we can’t get on disability because of gender or race. But I am too sure that people have tried this before.  Stand up and take responsibility for yourself! Go out and be or do something!